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Bornholm has attracted the attention of the botanists already early.


Die Flora Bornholms

Bornholm has attracted the attention of the botanists already early.

You found a limited room most plants known from other Denmark in the verhälnismässig but set of genres which one not or only still seldom elsewhere finds in the country also a great.

The flora of Bornholm owes its fullness to several circumstances acting in combination.
Most plants demand the fulfilment of quite certain claims both therefore reach an only limited geographical distribution to the soil type than to the climate and them.
However, the Bornholmer climate is more miscellaneous than in every other area of Denmark of a corresponding extension.
The annual precipitation as well as the winter temperature are inside the island and in the coastal areas very different from each other, for example. Hollows between the rocks still arrive, that the docked area southern shows swept slopes or warm, where the sun causes an eastern climate in summer which otherwise is south and characteristic of Eastern Europe, and rock cracks shadowed where the air remains cool and damp. Ausserdem are the soil conditions varied richly so that a large number of plan Zen Buddhism genres those lots waters, food substance, lime, humus substance, and find otherwise what they still need for prospering. There are both granite, sandstone, slate and lime as an underground which show coarse-grained gravel and fine loam as extremes, covered by moraine deposits of a differently thick layer.


It has been proved that these Zufluchfsort (refuge) found, « « so-called ice age relics several of the botanic pearls of the island are in such places, where the woods with their devastating shadow could not take hold of any firm Fuss when they held forth on the island during the Kiefemzeit.
You escaped the attack of the woods north well bar or on the chalky Steilküsfen toward the south on the rock coasts.

What the rock coast as a refuge suitable made, at the moment, the circumstance that the loose layers of the earth were washed away by the sea was 15-20 m higher than today betand as the water-level shortly after the ice age and has there been a lack of earth, to permit a thick overshadowing tree growth it has withstood rock mountain ash, common and blacks Zwergmispel, chives, ice berry, Schwalbenwurz and Spnnenröschen as well as white stonecrop, Färberweid, Maöer rock little flower, shiny storksbill, spherical vetch and tuberous bluegrass in this refuge.

The slopes in the south of the island have satisfied the conditions of life of such light needy plants how: Small Wiesenknonf, Doldige Spurre, French Segge, fescue and shooting rock pink may Baltic, have prospered during hill tormentil in the two Retugien.


Außer den erwähnten Eiszeitrelikten umfasst die Bornholmer Pflanzenwelt eine ganze Reihe von Arten, die hier im Lande ausschliesslich auf Bornholm im wilden Zustand angetroffen werden: Schwarzer Streifenfarn, FrühlingsSpark, Gemeine Akefei, Bleichblaues Windröschen, Wildes Silberblatt, Morgenländisches Zackenschötchen, Moor-Veilchen, Roter Wundklee samt anderen, die freilich auch anderswo in Dänemark angetroffen worden sind, die aber auf Bornholm ihre Hauptverbreitung finden; nämlich Brauner Streifenfarn, Nordischer Streifenfarn, Schlankes Woligras, Acker-Geibstern, Holunder-Knabenkraut, Netz-blatt, Heröst-Wendelähre, Kleine Teichrose, FrühlingsFingerkraut, Sand-Fingerkraut, Mehl-Schlüsselblume, Erdglöckchen und Ruhrwurz.

Was die Sporenpflanzen, Moose, Flechten und Pilzeanbetrifft, fehlt noch viel, bis man einen vollständigen Überblick über die gesamte Anzahl von Gattungen erhalten hat, und jedes Jahr wird Bericht erstattet über Auffinden von Gattungen, die der Insel neu sind. Hier bleibt noch für die Botaniker und die Gäste der Insel viel zu leisten übrig.

The above material is from the book:
Bornholm - bicycle tour and walk through nature and culture,
of Finn Hanson
this book in the Velkomscenter Bornholm buys you can

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